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Author:  fumblefinger [ Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Evapo-Rust

I know this product has been mentioned before. Thought I'd pass along my experience with it.

I'm re-furbing an 1880s treadle sewing machine base to use as a table base. While it wasn't as bad as some I've seen, it did have a pretty good coating of rust. I won't go into the work on the sides and back but I took all of the attaching hardware and put them in a jar with just enough fluid to cover the parts. Left it overnight. Drained the fluid and gave the parts a couple of quick rinses, then dried them. The pic tells the story. I didn't scrub or abrade them in any way. What you see is purely the work the fluid did. Got it all over my hands, no problem. It's supposed to be biodegradable, safe, yada, yada. I won't begin to support those claims, but it definitely did a nice job on the hardware.


Author:  Frank Ford [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evapo-Rust

Good stuff - used it for years. for bigger work, get into electrolysis: ... moval.html

Author:  Chris Pile [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evapo-Rust


Author:  fumblefinger [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evapo-Rust

Frank Ford wrote:
Good stuff - used it for years. for bigger work, get into electrolysis: ... moval.html

Thanks Frank. Actually I use electrolysis when I'm rescuing a plane. Works great. I keep a bucket with the left over soda and the steel plate sitting in it so I can fill it up and go again. I like the fact that it plates material back on the part.

Author:  Bryan Bear [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evapo-Rust

That is good stuff. I needed a brass Stanley tote nut so I went to the used tool store and picked out the most useless rusty plane they had. I didn't want to get one that someone may be able to fix up and use some day. . . This thing was practically a block of rust and cost less than getting a brass nut on ebay. The frog was rusted on and none of the adjustments moved at all. Just for the fun of it, I put it in Evapo-Rust once I managed to get the knob and tote off. Now I have another usable No. 5. Of course, now I still need another tote nut.

Author:  John Lewis [ Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evapo-Rust

I've used it for years. The more you use it the less effective it is dissolving rust (takes longer to work) but at the same time, the older stuff leaves more of a protective coating on parts. Any old chisel or plane gets this treatment. A gallon is $30 but it goes a long ways.

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