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Fixing runs in a finish (a good tip)
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Author:  Chris Pile [ Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Fixing runs in a finish (a good tip)

OK - this video is from an auto body guy, but it's applicable for us.
I have never in my life shot a finish that had so many runs as this poor body panel has.
But this guy has a clever trick in his back pocket that might work sometime if one of our members needs to fix someone else's very poor spraying.....
I'm not saying it's genius - but it's a pretty sharp idea.
We could use something like watered down plaster of paris... you get the gist.
Watch and comment, guys!

Author:  johnparchem [ Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fixing runs in a finish (a good tip)

Here is the same technique from a sherwood williams guy

Author:  Chris Pile [ Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fixing runs in a finish (a good tip)

Very cool. Definitely applicable to guys shooting plastic finishes as well as true lacquer. I was taught to use a brand new razor blade and various abrasive medias, and I was always scared to death I would ruin a finish. Wasn't such a problem on solid colors, but a sunburst or stained finish - yeah. This trick gives a finish guy a fudge factor or some wiggle room.

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