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Simple Jig for Cutting the Headplate Square to the Nut Slot
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Author:  ericschaeferguitars [ Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Simple Jig for Cutting the Headplate Square to the Nut Slot

Author:  Ed Haney [ Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple Jig for Cutting the Headplate Square to the Nut S

This method is fine, but appears only to even be needed because of the author's building sequence. I install the truss rod and glue on the fretboard before I glue on the head plate. That way, with the fretboard end in its final resting place I place the nut I will acutually be using against the end of the fretboard, and then place the square head-plate against the nut and glue on the headplate in everything in exact place. Now there's a perfect fit of the fretboard, nut and headplate without the need to cut the head-plate at all. (You may ask, "how do you get the correct angle on the nut end of the headplate?" I set my disk sander to the the headstock angle and then touch the headplate end against the sander before I glue on the plate.)

I recognize that there are many many possible sequences for building and no sequence is without its challenges.

Author:  Ruby50 [ Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple Jig for Cutting the Headplate Square to the Nut S


I do the same thing, except I don't glue on the fretboard, only set it on its register pins. With the fretboard off, I have more options for shaping and handling the neck. The angle at the nut end of the head plate is easy to get with a sanding block, too.


Author:  johnparchem [ Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple Jig for Cutting the Headplate Square to the Nut S

My one fear with the jig shown is over cutting and leaving a small cut in the neck. I am sure you manage it cleanly. I wait to glue on the headplate until I have properly positioned the fretboard, not glued just positioned with location pins and clamped. With the fretboard in place I position a nut spacer against the fretboard. I use a belt sander to put the correct angle on the nut end of the headplate. At this point I can glue on the headplate with the correct angle on the nut end in the correct location. No cutting or trimming on the neck and always square to the fretboard.

Author:  Imbler [ Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Simple Jig for Cutting the Headplate Square to the Nut S

I just use my tablesaw. I make sure I keep a squared edge on one side of the neck;
Place the neck on a scrap of plywood to keep the headplate off the table, raise the blade while spinning slowly by hand to where it just touches the neck, then back off a skosh. Put the squared side of the neck against the miter and just push through to cut.
Easy peasy and nice and square in both planes.

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